Anxiety is a normal part of life, but more people are feeling stronger signs of anxiety than ever before due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all anxiety is bad because it can help you stay aware of danger, motivate you to stay prepared, and help you calculate risks to make more thoughtful decisions.
However, when your anxiety starts to affect you daily, it can negatively impact your quality of life. Anxiety attack symptoms can start to grow over time so it is important to take control of the disorder as soon as you can. Try out some of these natural remedies for anxiety to help manage your symptoms.

Regular exercise is good for your physical health, but it can also be beneficial for maintaining your emotional health. Going for a brisk 15-minute walk every day is one of the most accessible treatment for panic attacks and anxiety.
It doesn’t take too much time out of your day but going for a walk daily can have long-term benefits on your overall health. While it may not work for everyone, going for a walk is a good place to start when looking for ways to manage your anxiety.

When you experience anxiety, you can feel like your senses are being overloaded. Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms can be soothed and managed with the help of aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy involves using fragrant essential oils to promote health, tranquility, and overall well being. Aromatherapy can help you relax, help you sleep, boost your overall mood, and reduce your heart rate and blood pressure.
Some popular essential oils that can be great for anxiety help include:
- Clary sage
- Grapefruit
- Bergamont
- Ylang Ylang
- Lemongrass
- Lavender
These oils can be inhaled directly, diffused, or added into a warm bath for the best effects.

Meditation can be an excellent way to put some space between you and the chaotic thoughts that can come from everyday life. You can reduce the frequency and intensity of your anxiety attacks by using meditation to create a sense of calm and mindfulness in your thoughts.
As little as 30 minutes of daily meditation can have powerful effects that make it an excellent anxiety help and general relaxation.

Chamomile tea is proven to be a great natural remedy for anxiety for its calming properties that promote sleep. Some studies have shown that a cup of chamomile tea daily before bed can help to reduce the symptoms of general anxiety disorder.
This natural remedy is affordable and having a nighttime chamomile tea can be an excellent way to end your day. If you don’t want to sit around waiting for your tea, you can substitute chamomile capsules to get your daily dose.

CBD products are becoming increasingly popular as a natural remedy for anxiety. CBD is derived from hemp plants and has very little (under 0.3%) of the psychoactive ingredient THC that makes people feel high. You can get CBD in a variety of forms including liquid drops, gummies, chocolates, and candies. They may also come in various topical forms such as creams, lotions, or balms.
Studies have shown that CBD products may also provide helpful benefits when it comes to ailments including pain, inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia. Although research is relatively early, there are positive results showing that CBD could be effective for anxiety help.

Insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety, so it can be difficult to get restful sleep. However, getting a good night of sleep is an effective way to reduce your anxiety levels. You should make sleep a priority by following these helpful tips:
- Avoid sleeping during the day or when you are not tired.
- Don’t read or watch television while you are in bed. Reserve your bed for sleeping only.
- If you cannot sleep, avoid tossing and turning. Instead, go to another room and change your environment a little until you get sleepy.
- Keep your room dark and at a cool and comfortable temperature.
- Write down your worries and thoughts in a journal before bed.
- Keep a steady schedule by going to sleep at the same time.
- Avoid eating large meals, nicotine, and caffeine before bedtime.

If you frequently experience anxiety, then it is best for you to avoid any of these substances as much as possible. Caffeine is known to cause nervousness and jitters, which only amplify the feeling of anxiety. In some cases, an excess of caffeine may even result in increased anxiety attack symptoms. Eliminating caffeine is a good first step to take to reducing your anxiety levels.
Although alcohol is a natural sedative, the aftereffects of drinking alcohol can bring back your anxiety symptoms stronger than before. Additionally, relying on alcohol to treat anxiety can lead to a dependence which can cause more serious mental health issues down the line. Avoid alcohol, if possible, to help improve your anxiety.
Smoking is often used as a coping mechanism for stress but smoking too many cigarettes will end up worsening your anxiety in the long run. In fact, research has shown that the earlier someone starts smoking in life, the higher the chance that they develop an anxiety disorder when they grow older. Nicotine may also have an impact on neural pathways that are linked to anxiety.

There are many steps you can take to improve your quality of life and reduce your anxiety symptoms. Natural remedies for anxiety can be helpful in managing the symptoms of the disorder, but you should call your doctor if you notice any of the following signs:
- Your anxiety is long-lasting and happens frequently. It interferes with how you manage your daily life.
- You experience certain physical symptoms including rapid heart rate, stomach issues, difficulty sleeping, or chronic fatigue.
- You avoid people or places.
- You have frequent thoughts of suicide or other self-harm.